Blue Flower

We're trying out a new blogging tool, Movable Type. I'm pretty excited. I seem to have everything working except for the archives, so either I'll work on that this weekend, or I'll assign that task to Stan.

I can't believe how easy it was to import my entries from Blogger! Anyway, let me know if you see any problems.

Wow, what's this, 3 installments in one day?

I couldn't help but post a couple links. Check out this article about how the FCC has approved a plan for digital radio. Very interesting reading. Now, have a little fun with the RIAA at Hehe... I just hope no one over at the RIAA reads the article and decides the argument has merit.

Okay, this is, 'trousers down' the best halloween costume I've seen in a while.

Last night we were all sitting in the family room watching Enterprise. Kirsten came to me where I was sitting on the couch, cupped her hands around my face and pulled it to hers and said in the most precious little voice, "Mommy, you're pretty." I was flattered and suspicious, so I replied, "That's sweet baby, but what do you want?" With no hesistation or thought she replied, "I want cheese." So she's 3 and she's already trying to gain through flattery. I'll have to ask her teacher if she's starting brown-nosing too.

Mark Pilgrim had a few really funny links in his blog today—articles from Microsoft's knowledge base that really got me tickled. Check out Barney not found and Earth rotates in wrong direction.

I had no idea that CD and DVD prices were any different in the US than anywhere else. But Jim Roepcke has shed some light on how CDs and DVDs are cheaper in Canada than in the US.

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Jacob has been really sick. I took him to the doctor Monday morning and found out that he has an ear infection as well as something called bronchiolitis. Basically, that's a chest cold in infants that causes them to have problems breathing. The doc prescribed the appropriate meds, and after two days of them, he seems to be doing better. He is such a trooper. I've never seen a baby be so happy when he's feeling so miserable. It's almost like he can't help but be happy.

I haven't exactly been well either. But the allergens seem to be on the decline here in Florida, so hopefully relief is on the way.

So you're at work, and someone calls with a problem that you really don't feel like handling. Luckily, it's really not your job, so you pass it off. But then you see how difficult it's going to be for the problem to get fixed without your help, and you start feeling guilty. So you resolve yourself to help. It takes you 20 minutes and it's over. You probably complained about it not being your job for longer than that. The next day brings a call from your boss about the incredibly happy person whose problem you solved.

It literally takes only a few minutes of little sacrifice to improve someone else's situation, and in turn, your own. Why must I re-learn this on a daily basis? What happens overnight as I sleep that deletes that little tidbit of information from my brain? Do humans have their own version of random access memory?

Remember how CD's weren't supposed to cost any more than cassettes when they came out? And then remember they were way more? Check out this court decision about record companies fixing CD prices.

Okay, so yesterday as we were pulling up into the driveway after a long day, Kirsten says to me, "Mommy, what old are you?" This is a frequent question lately. Notice how she uses what instead of how. So, I answered, "28."

"What is your name?"


"I'm 26."


"I'm 25"

"No you're not..."

"I'm 23."

Well, this continued for a while, and I was really tickled. So, I told Kirsten she'd have to tell Papa how old she was when we got inside. She giggled and said ok.

So we get inside, and I ask Kirsten to tell Papa how old she is. She's immediately shy, grabbing my leg, you know. So I prompt her again to tell Papa how old she is.

Her answer: "I'm 3."


"...many web users will forgive defects of content, design, and usability if they feel there is a live presence behind your site." Okay, Mr. Zeldman, good advice. Stop slacking and start blogging.

This was a very productive weekend, except for the blogging thing. Friday I took a personal day to try and start unpacking the boxes that still remain in our living room 3 months later. I got quite a bit done. And then yesterday, I even got some decorating done. Can you believe it! 3 more months, and maybe we'll be done!

One sad note from this weekend: Jacob has succumbed to the same allergies that keep Stan, Kirsten and I sneezing 180 days a year. The poor guy was miserable this weekend between that and teething pain. He wants to be happy. You can pick him up, he'll look at you and smile really big, and then he remembers he's in pain. I called the doc this morning, and he said to try Dimetapp. So, wish us luck!

Kirsten continues to amaze me. She likes to help me fold the laundry. I've always had to go back after she went to bed and re-fold whatever she did. But last night, when I went to start re-folding, I noticed that she had done a great job! I mean, it wasn't perfect, she is 3 years old. But it was certainly good enough to leave.

So recently, as I watch the news, I see a sort of spin that makes it look like the entire country is swept up in some incredibly patriotic support of our President and his war efforts. But I don't have those feelings. And since the news makes it sound like everyone else does, I feel like some unpatriotic traitor to a country that I love very much. So it was really nice to see that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Thanks to Jim Roepke of have browser, will travel for a link to this great quote we should all take seriously.

Last, but definitely not least, look out in the next few days as we're switching hosting providers. We haven't been able to test our asp pages on the new server, it's Linux running ChiliSoft. So, if we notice problems, we'll get right on them. Hopefully the change will be seamless. If not, we apologize in advance. Those of you with email addresses, we'll keep you informed of any changes.