Wednesday night I put the bumpers in Jacob's crib to prevent him from getting his legs caught in the crib slats. My hypothesis being that if he didn't wake up for something like that, he wouldn't feel the need to eat at 4 in the morning.
At 4:30 Thursday morning, he woke up crying. I went in, and he had managed to get his legs under the bumper and through the slats. And of course, he wanted to eat. (Yes, I fed him.)
Last night, I put him back in the bassinet—no way to get legs stuck if there aren't any slats—and he slept until 7 am this morning. So, I was right. Being hungry doesn't wake him up, it takes something else. So now I need to figure out how to get those bumpers more secure at the bottom...
I guess it's my turn to 'enjoy' the virus that's had two people in the house sick so far. I woke up this morning feeling like death warmed over. I'm feeling a little better now, thanks to a couple doses of Sudafed and a nice nap. Why is it that they can make a decongestant that is non-drowsy and non-drying, but it still makes you feel like your head is disassociated from your body?
In case you're wondering, Jacob woke up again this morning wanting to eat. Difference this time was that he cried for 15 minutes, rested a few, then cried for 15 more. Seems like I remember this with Kirsten. After sleeping through the night for several weeks, she too tried to wake up in the middle of the night. Hopefully it won't last too long.
Add another to the list, Gateway to bundle Corel with low-end PC's.
This is a very interesting article: The trouble with being the world's only superpower.
Doesn't anyone know how to play this game? Bush league economics.
From A Word A Day at
Today when we spell the word "catalog" instead of "catalogue" we can thank a crotchety, humorless man for saving the wear on our fingers, not to mention savings on paper and those obscenely expensive inkjet printer cartridges. Oct 16 marks the birth anniversary of Noah Webster (1758-1843), who compiled the 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, the first authoritative lexicon of American English.
Webster believed in establishing cultural independence from Britain and as such he emphasized a distinct American spelling and pronunciation. His dictionary listed various unusual and shortened spellings of the words. He would have hardly imagined how the tide would turn one day. According to reports, more British and Australian children spell "color" instead of "colour", for example. Webster's suggestion of using "tung" instead of "tongue" didn't stick, though. As he said, "the process of a living language is like the motion of a broad river which flows with a slow, silent, irresistible current."
Today Webster's name is synonymous with dictionaries and the date of his birth is observed as Dictionary Day.
Happy Dictionary Day!
Last night Jacob got himself turned around in the crib until his little legs were sticking out through the slats. This of course made him mad enough to start screaming. By the time I got out of bed and to his room, Kirsten was already up. Poor thing. I told her everything was okay and to go back to bed. I've never seen her get in bed that fast.
And of course, Jacob was wide awake after this, and decided it was time for an early breakfast. Even after I explained that we don't eat at 4:30 in the morning, he still screamed. I gave him some water, which he gulped down, but then the crying continued for about 15 minutes. It was a while before Stan or I could get back to sleep after that. So, I'm a walking zombie today.
Remember the story of Kirsten telling me I was pretty in order to get some cheese? Well, I did go back and ask her teacher about it. It went something like this:
"Has Kirsten been kissing-up or brown-nosing at school?"
"No, why?"
I related the story to the teacher...
"Oh, no, that's just your sweet little girl. She tells me I'm pretty all the time!"
So, not only is she kissing-up at school, she's so good at it the teachers don't even realize. I told this to my Mom, and she said, "Well, you know what they say about the apple not falling far from the tree..." Thanks, Mom.
Update on Jacob. We went back to doc this morning. He's now 14lbs 10oz. So, he gained 4oz in a week, while he was sick. Wow. Anyway, Dr. Velez did a quick blood count, and found that while he does have a virus, his white blood cell count is more than adequate to take care of it. So, Jacob is on his way to recovery.
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I remember the first time I saw the movie Akira. I didn't understand it. I still didn't understand it after the second time I saw it. Maybe I'll do better with the live-action English version. I have a couple of friends who are way into Anime, so this is for them!
Oh, I almost forgot. Now that we have Movable Type, you can make comments! So, please, give it a try.
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