Blue Flower

Yes, yes, it's been a week. I have no excuse. I meant to blog, really. But it's been a little crazy. Sent my iBook in to Apple for repair last Tuesday. Got it back Friday am, it was the pmu daughter card. Then traded it into CompUSA for a 700mhz iBook with a combo drive on Sunday. Still loading software. Anyway, on to the good stuff:

Thanks to Tom over at BackupBrain for the link to this great site about Bush and his 'Bushisms'. Sorry, Mom, I don't write them or say them, I just link to them.

Wouldn't it be lovely? Reuter's has an article about Sun selling low-price linux pc's. And what's this about them giving away StarOffice to schools? Hmmm, start shaking Billy.

And finally, Reno concedes. You know, I've always enjoyed being a Floridian. But every time there's an election (even a local one) we somehow manage to embarass ourselves.

Speaking of politics, there's something I've been wanting to get off my proverbial chest about what's going on in that world lately. I'm gonna' get religious here, so look out. Why are we trying to legislate peace? We can't even bring about a lack of conflict. Peace has to be written on our hearts, not in legislation. Check out this piece on peace written, believe it or not, before 9.11.01. He says it much better than I could.