Blue Flower

Last night Kirsten and I went grocery shopping. When we got home, I started to put the groceries away. In the meantime, Kirsten went into her room and managed to take off her shoes, socks, pants and diaper, and then put on two pair of panties. (One Blue's Clues, one Winnie the Pooh, in case you're interested.) She came back to the kitchen all proud. I talked her out of one pair and asked her to take it back to her room. She agreed and off she went.

After a while, I began to wonder why it was taking so long to return this pair of panties to her drawer. So, I investigated. The little booger had 3 pair on, and was trying to squeeze on a fourth.

After I talked her back down to one pair (which was not easy) she did pretty well. She actually told me when she needed to go potty! I was so proud. They're trying panties at daycare today, so keep your fingers crossed!